BSc (CUHK), MSc, PhD, Dsc (Durham), MBA, DSc (Strathclyde)
Prof. Wong Ming Hung is the Research Chair Professor in the Department of Science and Environmental Studies at the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd). He received his PhD at Durham University in UK. He went on to further obtain the Dsc degree in Durham University and University of Strathclyde. The DSc Degree is regarded as a higher doctoral degree (higher than PhD) in British/European Tertiary Institutions, based on quality and quantity of papers published by the candidate.
Prof. Wong served as Head of Biology in Hong Kong Baptist University for 18 years, where he initiated the BSc (Hon) Course in Applied Biology and Environmental Science, through validation and revalidation. The Department of Biology has become one of the strongest departments in Hong Kong in the field of “Environmental Science/Biology” (based on Research Assessments of Research Grants Council of Hong Kong). During the time, he received the first Chair Professor awarded to an academic staff at HKBU (1990), after vigorous assessment (included the blind assessment conducted by the Commonwealth University Association, UK).
Professor Wong has published over 550 SCI papers and 32 book chapters, edited 25 books/special issues of scientific journals, and has successfully filed 5 patents. Based on citation of papers and H-index (for the past ten years, on July 2009), Prof. Wong ranked No. 1 of the Top 20 World Chinese Scientists under the area of Environmental Science/Ecology. The information prepared by the Ministry of Organization of Central Committee of Communist Party of China (中共中央組織部) is intended for use as a reference for recruiting overseas talent throughout China. Currently, he is the most cited Chinese scientist in the world, in the area of Environmental Science, according to ISI Web of Science. |